Fresh malt four

Malta is one of the miraculous fruits created by the Creator. This fruit has a wonderful color and a delicious taste, and it also has important benefits that are not known so far. Malta has more than 170 types of natural beneficial chemicals, of which more than 60 percent are flavonoids that are anti-inflammatory and eliminate disease in the first stage.

According to the information published by the American Heart Health Foundation, regularly eating malt and grapefruit reduces the risk of stroke in women by 19 percent. The foundation says that there are substances in Malta that can delay or reduce the risk of a stroke.


A study published in the Epidemiology magazine says that giving children natural malt water in the first years reduces the risk of blood cancer. Since malta contains strong antioxidants and high levels of vitamin C, it can easily eliminate free radicals in the body that can cause cancer.


There is a high level of potassium, vitamin C and fiber in Malta, if the sodium level in the body is reduced and potassium is increased, of course, in an appropriate amount, then it is important to pay attention to the health of the heart and blood vessels. Can have a positive impact.

In a research conducted, it is said that people who consume 4069 mg of potassium per day have a 49% lower risk of heart disease than other people.

And the last benefit to mention here is that for diabetics, those suffering from the first form of diabetes should use fiber-rich foods. Malt itself is rich in fiber, which is good news for diabetics. It is worth noting that fiber is the most important substance to prevent constipation.


Most of the people think that mumpli will harm the health

So, for this reason, he avoids eating too much, but this food has many health benefits in addition to its best taste in the cold.


Mumpli is a useful food in preventing cancer, the problems that cause cancer can be prevented by eating mumpli. Strengthens. By eating papaya, teeth become white and strong, because papaya contains zinc, zinc and other minerals that strengthen teeth.


Mumpli strengthens the nerves and improves memory, there is vitamin B3 in mumpli which especially strengthens the nerves and memory. Mumpli is very useful for lungs, it contains natural minerals that strengthen the lungs. Mumpli lowers blood cholesterol, this fruit is full of energy, it is useful for weak and underweight people to eat mumpli, although it has more calories and fat, but still scientists say that mumpli lowers blood cholesterol level than weight. Decreases without increasing.


People are afraid of the oiliness of pumpkin, but it is said that pumpkin oil is one of the best in the world, because it lowers cholesterol levels and helps to lose weight. Similar studies have shown that eating pumpkin is good for the heart. It is a useful medicine for people with diseases, also mumpli is useful for diabetes and people who are suffering from this disease should use it.


A cardiologist says

Severe headache, high blood pressure, anemia, knee pain, paralysis, heart palpitations, blood fat, gonorrhea, inflammation of the throat, tuberculosis, inflammation of the arteries, and finally any disease related to the urine, as well as abdominal inflammation. , lack of appetite and any diseases related to eyes, ears and throat are more useful. Instructions for use


When the water is boiled, drink four glasses of water on an empty stomach every morning when you wake up! The water should be warm. But it should not be so hot that it burns your stomach, you should not eat for 45 minutes after drinking water! Sometimes some patients have difficulty drinking four glasses of water. Someone who drinks little by little, until he can drink four glasses of water. The diseases mentioned above will disappear in the times written below, God willing.


Diabetes in 30 days, blood pressure in 30 days, stomach problems in 10 days, cancer disease in 9 months, cancer in 6 months, menstrual cycle in 15 days, heart problems in In 30 days, severe headache in 3 days, anemia in 30 days, blood fat in 4 months, paralysis in 9 months and respiratory problems in 4 months.


Your health is our hope, a specialist doctor says; If this message reaches everyone, share it with those who are sitting with them. In fact, this person has saved a human life

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